Finally . . . something to write about.

Yes, yes . . . there’s lots going on out there; A world wide pandemic, personal lockdowns, people going postal over mask wearing (What’s that all about??), but in my opinion there’s far too much being written about the current crisis now. I’m getting tired of reading, watching and hearing about it all. So I have decided not to add my two bits worth to all the info floating around out there.’
I will limit myself to simply saying this; my wife and I are taking it all seriously. We wear our masks and socially distance ourselves when necessary. It’s a medical crisis and we do what we have to. Sooner or later the doctors and researchers will figure things out and we can get back to normal activities. That may be a while, but we have weathered serious crises in this country before and we can weather this one.
So, by now most of you have heard or actually seen the new Who’s Who in New Pulp reference book. For those of you who haven’t, it is a brand new reference published by Airship 27 with brief bios and information for over two hundred people involved in the New Pulp publishing industry. It includes writers, artists, editors, publishes and more.
I have not received my copy yet (Everything seems to take longer these days) but everything I hear about the book says it is going to be a terrific reference. I consider myself lucky to be included with so many other talented people listed in this book.
In the last few years of writing I have been fortunate to meet many of the players in New Pulp personally. Others I would like to meet or contact. This new reference will allow me to do just that. I believe most of us will have a copy on their bookshelves soon.

On the publishing front, some long awaited projects are finally starting to move. A couple of new books with my stories in them are nearing production, or so I’m told. And, a complete book of mine is hopefully going to see the light of day in the near future.
So maybe the drought is over. It has been a while since I’ve had anything new to brag about.

Hopefully, I will be back soon with good news.