Well, here I am back again with good news. As their first release of 2023, Airship 27 have just announced volume four of The Purple Scar. I have the lead short story in this new volume of the Purple Scar’s adventures. It is entitled “Seven Swans a’ Swimming.”
If you have followed my scribblings here or have read any of my author’s notes in the various Purple Scar volumes, you will realize that I have adopted the little-known masked avenger as a personal favorite. I have now written three published short stories and a full- length novel chronicling the Scar’s new adventures, for a total of over 100,000 words.
I’m not exactly sure why I’ve developed such an affinity for this character, but I have and have enjoyed every word I’ve written about him. Perhaps, it is because so little about him was written in the four originally published stories. I saw the possibilities of his character immediately. He was kind of a blank canvas that I could make my own. And, I am certainly not through yet. I have even more Purple Scar adventures written or outlined awaiting future volumes from Airship 27.
If you haven’t read any of the books, you might consider giving them a try. Many fine authors have written their own take on the Purple Scar alongside my own. And, there is always the only full- length Purple Scar adventure, my “The Black Fog.” I’m sorry more people have not read it as I consider it some of my best work.
At any rate, I must have been living right or perhaps my sacrifices have been looked upon favorably by the Gods of Publishing, because I have now three works published since October. Two short stories and a full-length book in four months is a personal best. Whatever the reasons, I am very happy with this situation. A couple of these projects had been in progress for several years and it is gratifying to see them finally in print.
So, with “Purple Scar volume 4” following quickly on the heels of “The Adventures of Radio Rita” and “Zeppelins Over Afrika” all my fans (both of them) should be kept busy reading up on my latest ravings.
I have inexpensive copies of “Radio Rita” and “Zeps Over Afrika” for sale on Ebay and will have “Purple Scar v. 4” available as well as soon as I receive my copies.
See you next time.