As I said earlier, 2019 is off to a good start. As of today Domino Lady volume 3, published by Airship 27, is now available on Amazon. In this volume I have two very short (about 8,000 words) stories with the masked Lady once again fighting corruption in her beloved Golden State.
This is my second title published this year. I wish this pace of publication could continue but, alas I think it might be until quite later in the year before another of my works will be published. But you never know; Development of this new DL book went very fast once the fourth story finally rolled in. As I’ve noted before the Gods of Publishing move in mysterious ways.
Speaking of fourth stories; the final Domino Lady story in this new volume is written by Samantha Lienhard. She is new to Airship 27 and New Pulp but has written a fine story that fits right in with the Domino Lady other adventures.
I have been waiting since the beginning of this series for some female writers to give us their versions of one of the few female masked avengers of the Pulp era and was surprised we haven’t seen any sooner. The wait was worth it though. I liked Samantha’s take on the character and thought she captured the style of the original DL adventures quite well. There were some subtle female touches to her character that I will keep in mind for future DL adventures.
Welcome aboard, Samantha. I hope to see you in future volumes of Domino Lady.

Other than that, I am still hacking away at various stories set in my Zeppelin world and re-visiting my long lost Colonial hero William. Next big stop for me will be Windy City Pulp Con in Chicago in less than a month.
Although there will not be the draw of one of favorite author as Guest of Honor this year. There will still be lots of writing friends I look forward to re-connecting with. Look for a report in a month.
See you then.