My latest story has just been published in a new anthology from Airship 27. The book is called Aviation Aces vol. 1. Hopefully it will be the first volume of a series chronicling the adventures of daring pilots from all ages.
My story is a fun little tale called Rescue. It uses characters created by Frederick Nebel for the air stories he wrote in the early 1930s. I had read some of these stories and when Airship 27 put out a call for pulp action air stories, l already had an idea of what I wanted to write; a pure action story with lots of flying and non-flying adventure.
Rescue is just that. It has sky pirates, plane crashes, dog fights and more. There’s no mystery villains or clues to sort out, just non-stop adventure. If you like Indiana Jones movies, hopefully you’ll like Rescue.
Anyway, it is available at Amazon now. I should have copies available for sale in a week or so.
The other three stories in the book look good as well. Andy Fix and Jeff Fournier have a historic based, WWII story about the famous Black Widow night fighters. This one is well researched and very enjoyable. I have not finished the other two stories by Robert Ricci and Fred Adams yet but they look like a lot of fun as well.

Meanwhile. I have been very busy finishing up a couple of projects that I will talk about soon Including a new Domino Lady story, if there are any DL fans out there.

More soon.

Go Ducks!