Big News

Well, there’s been a lot happening this last month. The reason I haven’t made some announcements sooner was that I was enjoying my usual winter vacation. Now that I have returned, it is back to work.
The first big announcement is the publishing of Domino Lady volume 5 by Airship 27 publications. This is the latest in their best-selling series and I have the honor of leading off the fifth volume with my latest Domino Lady short story entitled; The Domino Lady’s Daughter.
We have a new artist for this voIume. I’ll miss James Lyle’s artwork but I think the new guy (Warren Montgomery) is going to work out just fine.
I have grown really fond of Domino Lady and her pulp adventures. They are a lot of fun to write. My story is a good one that I hope all those Domino Lady fans out there enjoy it.
And speaking of Domino Lady . . . Airship 27 has seen fit to collect the first five of my short stories about the sexy Avenger into one volume entitled Domino Lady Casefiles volume 1. It is available only in Kindle format for a very reasonable price. Hopefully fans of my work (both of you) will find this collection of my Domino Lady stories a fun read.
As for the future, 2024 could be a busy year. I’m just finishing up a new Novella for an old favorite character and have other stories in the works, including a new Domino Lady story intended for volume 7. Supposedly, volume 6 is somewhere in production. Can’t say how far along it is or when it will be published. That is for the Gods of Publishing (in all their Wisdom) to decide.
See you next time.

2023 Wrap up.

I had high hopes last January that 2023 would be a very good year. Publication of my fourth Purple Scar story would be followed by at least two more stories as well as I would be able to complete some long delayed writing projects.
Alas, the Gods of Publishing decided to give me a lesson in humility. While I did get some important writing done, it was not what I had hoped for. And for whatever reasons, publication of several long- awaited projects did not happen. Blame the usual suspects; the publishing industry is a complicated world.
However, the year is ending on strong note. Recently I was delivered a welcome Holiday present. My short story, Doorway to Hell, was published in December in The Phantom Detective volume 2, published by Airship 27.
This is the second Phantom Detective story I have written for this series. My first story, Circle of Despair, was well received and in fact earned a nomination for that year’s Pulp Factory Awards. While my new PD story may not be that good, I think it is a fine little story. It has all the classic PD facets; lots of disguises, identity changes, suspects and clues. Just what you expect in a pulp mystery.
The other stories in this volume aren’t bad either. They are written by a trio of experienced writers, including the very talented Fred Adams Jr. So, if you’re looking for a good pulp mystery set in the classic 1930s, take a look at The Phantom Detective vol 2.
So, a strong end to the year. As for 2024 . . . it may very well start out strong also. I hear rumors that something might break soon. Let’s all hope so. At least there will be no more renovations to disturb my writing Chi this year.
See you soon.

Good News!

Well, there’s more good news! No, I’m not here to announce a new story being published. Although, I have been on a roll the last few months, what with Zeppelins over Afrika, Radio Rita and Purple Scar vol. 4 all being published in the last six months.
What I have is the pleasure to announce that Radio Rita volume 1 has been nominated for multiple 2023 Pulp Factory Awards. For both of you not in the know, The Pulp Factory Awards were created to honor outstanding works in the New Pulp field. The winners of these awards are to be announced at Windy City Pulp & Paper convention to be held this coming April in Chicago.
Radio Rita has been nominated for Best Pulp Anthology, Best Pulp Short Story, Best Cover Art and Best Interior Illustrations. I am very pleased with these nominations. I’m not surprised, but still pleased. Why am I not surprised? Simply put, Radio Rita is wonderful book from cover to cover. The cover art is absolutely gorgeous, the interior art outstanding with many beautiful illustrations helping tell the great stories within.
I have the honor to be included among those stories. The other three stories are wonderful examples of the Pulp genre and I feel lucky to be included with such talented writers. My story, Frequency may not be my finest work, but it certainly right ranks up there in my own estimation. It has also quickly become among my favorite stories as well. It was just a fun story to tell from the first word to the last.
The other stories are from three of the most talented New Pulp writers out there making this an outstanding volume of Pulp adventure.
If it sounds like I’m proud, I am. Airship 27 has published many volumes of New Pulp adventure. I have had stories in more than a few. But, I am not certain I have participated in a volume nominated for awards this many times. Something that gives me much satisfaction. Any fan of Pulp fiction or aviation adventures should take a good look at this book. It will be worth it.
And keep im mind while you do that Pulp Factory Award voting is open to the public. I’m just saying . . .
So keep reading out there and I’ll be back with more news soon . . . I hope.

A Good Start to 2023

Well, here I am back again with good news. As their first release of 2023, Airship 27 have just announced volume four of The Purple Scar. I have the lead short story in this new volume of the Purple Scar’s adventures. It is entitled “Seven Swans a’ Swimming.”
If you have followed my scribblings here or have read any of my author’s notes in the various Purple Scar volumes, you will realize that I have adopted the little-known masked avenger as a personal favorite. I have now written three published short stories and a full- length novel chronicling the Scar’s new adventures, for a total of over 100,000 words.
I’m not exactly sure why I’ve developed such an affinity for this character, but I have and have enjoyed every word I’ve written about him. Perhaps, it is because so little about him was written in the four originally published stories. I saw the possibilities of his character immediately. He was kind of a blank canvas that I could make my own. And, I am certainly not through yet. I have even more Purple Scar adventures written or outlined awaiting future volumes from Airship 27.
If you haven’t read any of the books, you might consider giving them a try. Many fine authors have written their own take on the Purple Scar alongside my own. And, there is always the only full- length Purple Scar adventure, my “The Black Fog.” I’m sorry more people have not read it as I consider it some of my best work.
At any rate, I must have been living right or perhaps my sacrifices have been looked upon favorably by the Gods of Publishing, because I have now three works published since October. Two short stories and a full-length book in four months is a personal best. Whatever the reasons, I am very happy with this situation. A couple of these projects had been in progress for several years and it is gratifying to see them finally in print.
So, with “Purple Scar volume 4” following quickly on the heels of “The Adventures of Radio Rita” and “Zeppelins Over Afrika” all my fans (both of them) should be kept busy reading up on my latest ravings.
I have inexpensive copies of “Radio Rita” and “Zeps Over Afrika” for sale on Ebay and will have “Purple Scar v. 4” available as well as soon as I receive my copies.
See you next time.

A Christmas Bonus

Well, a Christmas surprise just landed in my email box. A story that I thought would not be published until 2023 has just been announced. So, I am happy to cheer the publication of the Adventures of Radio Rita by Airship 27.
Although in many ways this book is a standard Airship 27 New Pulp anthology, it has some special characteristics that set it apart. Radio Rita was a creation of Ron Fortier, Editor, Director and grand Poo-Ba of Airship 27. He used some public pin up art and a fictional gal dubbed “Radio Rita” on his Facebook page to announce the monthly Airship 27 podcasts. Soon his simple creation caught on and people were talking about this mythical female heroine. Ron then decided to bring her to life in an original anthology of her fictional adventures.
Here’s where it got interesting. He wanted four different writers to create four different Ritas’ using the barest of physical descriptions. The choice of story, time frame, background, even name and history were left totally up to the writer.
The chance to get in on the ground floor of a brand new pulp hero was too much to resist. I tossed my metaphorical hat into the ring and was accepted by Ron as one of the chosen few to bring this new hero to life.
I won’t bore you with details here about my or the other author’s stories. You’ll just have to buy the book to find out how each author imagined our new hero. Suffice it to say, each one of us came up with original stories from different times and different backgrounds to create four brand new and different Radio Ritas.
My story is entitled Frequency and is a fine little story set in a classic pulp time and location. It is very pulpy with a fast pace and lots of action. It was easy and fun to write. My biggest problem was trimming nearly three thousand words off it to meet the parameters. Yes, I got that caught up in my story.
I enjoy almost all my writing and am proud of everything published. But going back and re-reading Frequency makes me realize that this story and character have quickly become one of my most enjoyable writing endeavors.
So, I sincerely hope that lots of people find a way to read Frequency and all the other Adventures of Radio Rita. I believe you’ll enjoy them all and maybe even fall a little bit in love with our feisty heroine. I know I did.

So, three stories saw the light of day in 2022. It turned out to be a pretty good year, publishing wise. I look forward to more writing and publishing in 2023. A happy and prosperous New Year to all!